Re: 36 Packard Running Poorly - Need Some Help

Posted by Mr.Pushbutton  On 2009/10/24 22:48:27
As to your running rough situation and the various aromas it exudes, is there a color to the smoke that comes out the tailpipe? White, blue or black?

- I would say the smoke is more white than blue or black...
This makes me wonder, if the car is running rich the smoke will be black, white can indicate coolant getting into the combustion chamber (usually a head gasket) This would bear looking into to eliminate the possibility.
How long does it smoke/smell? All the time it is running or just initially?

- Since I have noticed the smoke I have not had her out for a drive. I have had it running for 20 minutes and it smokes the whole time.

Does it start OK?

- Fires right up!
Well, this is a good sign. This tells me that it is getting fuel, it is getting spark and the right time and there is adequate compression.
How does it idle?

- Idle is not great...
OK--This would go hand-in-hand with it running rich.

Does it increase in engine speed smoothly or is there a (repeatable)rough spot?

- Does not seem to get better on acceleration. Do you guys think it would do any harm to try and take her for a drive or would I do any damage??
I don't think you are going to harm a thing, and you might learn more about what the problem is by driving it. Go slow and easy on local side streets at first, for safety's sake.
What is going on with the choke?

- I think the last time I ran her I had the choke out. Not sure if I pushed it back in...
this has a Carter 366-S carb, right? or do you have the early Stromberg EE14? both have automatic chokes, so I'm not sure what you are saying by "had the choke out", is there an aftermarket manual choke on the car?
Have you examined it cold then after the engine is fully warmed?

- Do you mean the choke?? --Yes, the choke.
The car may benefit from a carb rebuild. I like to know what's going on with the whole fuel system, from the tank, the line, the pump and the carb. I really like these guys for carb kits
If you go with them, get a fuel pump kit and do it too.

Daytona, in Florida does a first class job of rebuilds and supplying parts

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