12 cylinder Packard questions...

Posted by Dan On 2010/1/21 23:11:39
Packard made the Twin Six in the teens and 20's, correct?

Was the Twin Six manufactured THROUGHOUT the 20's?

And when was the Packard Twelve introduced?

I was just at the AACA Forum page where the gentleman was talking about restoring the Packard museum's 1932 Twelve (or is this one still a Twin Six?).

I came here after that to look at the model info, because I thought no Twelves were manufactured until later in the 1930s...

EDIT: Okay, I went back THROUGH the model info and I see that the Twin Six ended in 1923.

Therefore, the 1932 Packard on the AACA forum (sorry, I don't have the link) is NOT a Twin Six (even though it's referred to as one), but is a Twelve, correct?

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