Re: 1939 super 8 L-8 Oil filter
Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2010/2/21 16:45:01
If the conversion is the Burr-Ripley the housing doesn't unscrew, but uses a modified spin-on cartridge inside. Many folks I l know use the Burr-Ripley conversion for the L-6 (1934) an L-8 (35-39?). In the Ripley design, the filter screws to the expected flange in one end, and the filter is modified to have a brazed outlet on the other than just pokes thru the housing, thus there no longer is any oil within the space between the filter and housing, so no need for a seal.
EDIT Less sure about the R&A Engineering conversion. The soldered threaded rings and o-ring gasket was originally a CCCA project.
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