Re: Dyneto Charge Regulator

Posted by Scott726 On 2008/2/8 14:26:23

I tried my local NAPA distribution hub, they looked at me like I'd lost my mind... The guy at Max Merrit said they just stopped making those units so that's probably why. I know what a stickler you are for original but IMHO there just isn't any comparison between solid state and 30's relay technology so I will see what I can do and still have it look original and not kludged together. Still, I would appreciate your part number if you can find it.


The guy that sold me the NOS cut out/regulator said there wasn't a solid state rebuild for the regulator part and he was quoting between $250 and $500 to rebuild my old one (to original specs) depending on how thrashed it was. I will be on the phone to your reference pronto.

Thanks All

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