1935 Packard Overheating Issue

Posted by Albie Frye On 2010/5/31 11:50:31
I have a 1935 Packard 120 sedan. When I inhertited it, it had a 1941 motor in it. I did a rebuild on a '35 last year and installed it this winter. When I had the '41 motor in place the temp guage would read hot when pulling long hills. Since I have installed the rebuilt '35 now it reads hot on hills and when the engine is under a load. I sent out the radiator and had it checked, it got a clean bill of health. I have checked the temp of the block with a thermometer and it is equally hot all the way across. I recently installed a 6 volt 16" pusher fan to use during parades and while idling, but I am still hitting 212 degrees on the guage when pulling a hill or while the engine is under a load. Any ideas to help cool this engine or to what might be causing it to run so hot???

Thanks, Albie

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