housing bore for main bearings on 7th series 8

Posted by Thomas Wilcox On 2010/8/11 13:02:28
Dear All,

It has been a long time since I have posted. I have been lurking periodically, but not really enough to satisfy my Packard cravings. Unfortunately, work has required far to much attention over the past year.

I hope everyone has been having more fun with their cars than me!

Anyway, I am on vacation! So it is time to work on the 1930. I have a guy at Colvin Automotive helping me reassemble my 7th series eight (320). He would like to know what the housing bore for the main bearings is. I cannot find this information in the service book (Sizes and Measurements appendix), nor anywhere else.

He would like this information to be sure the bearing crush will be appropriate once the crank is in place and the caps tightened down. The bearings were re-babitted about 2 years ago.

Any help would be much appreciated.



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