Looking to buy 1939 Packard Super 8

Posted by mzenz On 2010/9/22 18:07:57
I have a friend of the family that is looking to sell their original 1939 Super 8 and I love this car and am interested in purchasing it. However, I want to learn a bit more about the car and caring for it. The first question is price - how much is a fair price? It is original, never restored, paint has cracked in a few spots, chrome is great runs (need carb rebuilt/adjusted, tranny is good, interior is a bit faded but no rips, headliner is mint, dash around clock is cracked, a bit of wear on doors from arms. Has trunk and trunk cover. It looks great.

Second question is to have it restored or not. It is definately a beauty but is not mint. Not sure what a frame off resto would run for this.

Lastly, is there a good Packard service tech in the NJ area?

Thanks in advance.


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