Re: Looking at a 1937 Packard Coupe

Posted by Mike On 2010/12/16 16:40:05
Most of the pre-war Packards value are usually in their authenticity, because usually only a Packard afficiando would pay the price they're worth and they only want them when they're done "right". Also, the reason i love my Packard is because it's roomy and comfortable. This might not fit that description

I appreciate this car as a hot rod though, and always found the Buick nailhead a neat motor. However, in hot rodding circles it won't garner that much value either because it's not a Chevy or a ford, and even though we love the Packard front end, most in the hot rodding arena do not. (Unless it's that gorgeous shovelnose!)

This car is worth something to someone who likes Packards but doesn't mind changing things around rather than keeping it authentic. Turbopackman isn't around any more, and there's like 3 more of us that wouldn't mind that kind of car.

So if you're buying it to flip to a Packard enthusiast or restore as an original Packard, you'll likely lose money on the deal.

If you're buying to fix up and flip to a hot rodder, you'll likely lose money on the deal or no one will want it because it's not from the big three.

If you're looking to buy it because it's a neat old car and you want to finish and keep it, well then, it's a good candidate to have some fun with! If you think it'll be worth a ton when it's all finished, you'll likely be in the hole, ESPECIALLY for the next few years until the economy is back to people spending recklessly

With all that considered, this is worth what you're looking to spend to put into a project car and hope that's enough for the seller. But it's a Packard, so likely someone is asking a ton of cash for it because they saw the woody wagon on eBay for $109,000 awhile back or a 30's car all finished for $50,000. Without more cash in it than you'll get out, this won't be one of those cars.

I'm in the area with Highlander, if i drove by and saw a fair price tag of around 2000-2500 then i might stop and ask questions. That's assuming that this car has a title also. It'd really be a car nut impulse buy more than something i'd look at for full restoration. Cheaper to go get one already done and loved by a Packard fan

Do you mind us asking what the owner wants for it? It's easier to say "that sounds fair" or "that's nuts" than to come up with a number from nowhere based on internet pics.

EDIT: If that's the one from Canada they want 6K for, no thanks. Chunk of cash, been modified a bit, lower value car, AND i gotta do a bunch of stuff to get it into the USA.

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