Re: converting back from 12 volts to 6

Posted by PackardV8 On 2011/2/9 9:34:15
Run the $19 coil and BUY A SPARE to carry in the car! Test it out for yourself. Save $6 in the process. Pay $46 for the 'good' coil and no spare then u're stuck on the side of the road unless u spend for a spare.

I've ran 6v coil off of 12v (for short periods) but never 12v off of 6v so i don't know. Try it!!!

According to a reliable electrician i know he explains it this way:

If a 6v coil on a 6v system is good for 60K miles then it ought to last at least 40K miles when used on 12v (use the usual ballast resistor).

THis 6v/12v coil issue came up a few months ago and that was his answer. I'll have to ask him about the converse of using 12v coil on 6v system to see what his opinion is on that.

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