piston clearance

Posted by jokunen On 2011/8/24 1:12:24
is there anyone who has experience of Packard piston to wall clearances? Engine is 245" six, 1700. I purhased a set of 030" pistons from Kanter. Packard shop manual says that actual clearance should be between 0,0005-0,001" and that might be too small clearance for these pistons I bought(I afraid)? The slot in skirt is not cut through (it ends to the hole 5/8" before the skirt ends), in the original pistons slot is cut full.
Or is the clearance automatically right if we bore the block 3,5" + 0,030" = 3,53" bore? But that leaves still only 0,0012" clearance if measured from bottom of piston skirt? What do you think?
Sorry for these questions but with this Packard I want to do it once and do it right. Previous Packard engine (1600) I made 3 times before it was absolutely perfect and ran without vibrations etc.


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