Re: 1940 club coupe

Posted by West Peterson On 2011/12/8 9:46:14
They are very dependable cars, and usually get you home even when you have troubles. I can only think of a couple of times when one of our Packards had to be towed home, both water pump issues.
Is your car equipped with overdrive?

I have not gotten a response yet from my friend who may have an extra door latch for you. I restored a couple of his for him, and I believe he had an extra or two. You'll probably have to retain your springs. New ones are available, though, if they're week. You can tell if they're week if your door handles droop, and now is the time to put nice tight ones in.

The springs are numbered DL18. I got mine from Joe Perro in Washington State. He can be reached at
Cost for me was $15 for 2, which included shipping.

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