Re: I'm Rich!

Posted by PackardV8 On 2011/12/12 19:07:05
Try running it while truning on the electric pump only when engine tries to die. This mite eleminate e-pump question however i doubt it is the e-pump.

Bad coil and or condenser CAN cause a very rich or lean condition.

Try ez things FIRST:

Try Owens recommendation to look down carb as it is running.
Replace condenser. Then replace coil. Try intermittent use of e-pump. If carb float is leaking then remove float and shake it to hear if there is any gas in it.

Inspect float needle. If ethanol or other chemicals in UK gasoline reacts with 'rubber' tipped needles then it mite cause a rich condition altho my experience is that it only causes LEAN condition. But who knows. A distorted needle is a distorted needle.

***** If the carb has a diaphragm type accelerator pump then check the diaphragm for rupture. *****

Let me guess. Is the car running so damned rich it won;t pull itself in low gear????? If so then condenser followed by coil replacement mite fix it. If it doesn;t then it's e-pump or carb.

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