Re: Crankshaft Bearings for 34 Standard 8 Engine

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2008/8/5 9:34:19
It must have been great to have listed to those two older Packard owners years back, don't you wish you had a tape recorder back then? I also missed an opportunity at the PAC Centennial celebration in Warren in 1999; there were perhaps 18-24 retired Packard Detroit factory workers present, and I only found fleeting moments to chat with a few of them - what they knew and remembered is perhaps now lost to history. If I recall correctly, one of the many very moving moments at the Centennial was when these fellows, put out of work by the plant closure, were given Packard retirement pins made by PAC in lieu of the recognition they should have received at the time. Boy, I wish I could have cornered every one of them for an hour or so with a recorder!

My condolences to those who missed or couldn't attend the Centennial event, the emotions, the people, and the cars including some we didn't even realize still existed were almost beyond description.

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