Re: 1942 120 convertible badged as 160

Posted by RogerDetroit On 2014/8/24 14:25:57
I need to correct I mistake I made in an earlier post. This regards the authenticity of 1941-stlye senior tail lights on 1942 junior cars.

On page 1, post #10 I said, "As others have said, there are a number of differences between a 120 and 160. But, every (four of them) 1942 120s I have seen came from the factory with 1941 senior car tail lights." Therefore, I believe that 1941-style senor tail lights on 1942 junior cars it CORRECT.

Yet, on page 2, post #17 I MISTAKENLY said that one of the corrections needed to be made was to sell the senior lights and find correct junior lights. When I said that I had forgotten we were taking about a 1942 model and I was thinking it was a 1941 model. Sorry for the confusion. Keep the senior tail lights on the 1942 junior car.

Hope this clears things up.

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