Re: Charging battery
Posted by fredkanter On 2016/10/20 5:26:04
There are different schools of thought here but not different facts, facts are facts. If a battery is at 82% the generator does not work at 100% to recharge it, the voltage/current regulator adjusts accordingly. If the car is from the early 30's or before it has only a cutout and may charge at a high rate.
The wear on a generator even when charging at 100% is minimal, they often go 50,000 miles before needing brushes.
I installed a Delco Hearse/Ambulance Heavy Duty in my 1930 Eight Deluxe Speedster in the early 70's, it fit in the battery box just fine but it was HEAVY. One time the car sat for 18 months untouched, when I went to start it fired right up on the first push of the starter switch. It lasted 11 years and I was sad to see it go.
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