Pre oiling an engine - 1939 six

Posted by DoughnutChaser On 2020/5/29 19:45:12
Hello all,
I have a 1939 six that has not been started for several months and I'm concerned about causing damage to surfaces that may not have a sufficient coating of oil.
There is an external oil filter canister on the side of the engine. I think I'm correct in assuming the feed from the pump exiting the side of the block and entering a port in the conical base of the canister and the filtered return line exiting the side of the canister and leading back to the engine block.

Pre-oiling / pre-lubing seems to be very much in vogue and for good reason I think.

There seems to be two versions:
1) a tank pressurized with air and a feed line that is connected to the appropriate point on the engine.
2) an external oil pump that is plumbed to the engine.

Has anyone performed this sort of procedure or have any insight/suggestions.

Could acceptable results be achieved by administering a dose of oil through each spark plug hole and turning the crankshaft by hand through several full rotations ?

thanks in advance.

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