1937 120C Convertible Coupe- Door detail

Posted by Bob J On 2022/8/21 17:44:21
I have purchased the weather stripping kit from Kanter, (beautiful kit, highly recommend it!). I have two items I need clarification on.
There are two long strips of channel that go on the front door roll up window at the back edge of the vent window frame. Can I cut that to go the full length of the channel? On my disassembly I see it is only on the exposed area above the door top, but the piece of lower channel on my car that was inserted into the lower portion is quite rusty, so I figure to run the new channel full length but thought I would ask the forum if there is a hidden issue with doing so.
Second is that there are two lengths of 'cat whiskers' that are longer than the door is long (front to back). I suspect this goes on the inside on the door caps but there was nothing there at disassembly nor any holes on the door caps nor the inside lip of the door skin. Included in the kit is a set of clips I think are to be used to fasten this trim. Am I supposed to drill the door caps to accept the cat whisker trim? If so it would only fit along the roll up side widow from the vent to the end of the cap at the jam correct?
Appreciate your direction on this.

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