Re: 1937 Packard 120 hood top stainless piece question
Posted by flackmaster On 2024/6/17 20:08:02
The above/link is correct and yes, its a butt-clenching profanity laced ordeal. My addition is a bit of humor....I was invited to a private zillion dollar collection (NO photos) with the walls decorated with several blown-up factory photos. To my surprise, one was a 1937 assembly line photo with several workers, including one installing the hood center strip. NO kidding. Rubber hammer and leaning over the hood. NO kidding. I was allowed to take this ONE picture once I explained to the collection manager what was going on and why it was important.
Sorry about the glare - I assure you this is exactly what the worker was doing, white rubber hammer. I saw the original photo.
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