Re: Where is the backing lamp switch located on a '39 Packard Six?

Posted by HH56 On 2024/7/18 19:17:39
If it was wired per factory and you have a full complement of lights, according to the section of this diagram showing some accessories the switch would have been to the extreme left of the panel rheostat and reading light switch. If you don't have the fog lights then maybe just left and next to the reading light switch. Since your car looks to have several non factory switches under the dash in non standard positions I think it will be a matter of just flipping a switch and seeing what works. Cannot speak to 39 but back up lights were optional on later years and could have been installed by a dealer long after the car was sold. When possible dealers would often mount switches per customer preference and not necessarily where the factory suggested.

If you cannot find an under dash switch, one possibility is later models had backup light switches operated automatically by the R-1 shift lever going into the reverse position. That is the bottom lever at the base of the steering column close to the steering box. The conventional body levers were differently shaped and positioned from Clipper levers so I don't know for sure what type bracket will mount but if an optional later light kit was installed by a dealer possibly something approximating the later switch was used too. You might look in that lower column area and see if there is any push plunger type switch that could be activated when the bottom lever is in the reverse position.

Here is a later type switch for reference as typically mounted on the Clipper and 22-23 series. If it was used on an earlier conventional body car not sure where or how it would be mounted on the column to be used with the different shaped shift levers.

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