Re: Where is the backing lamp switch located on a '39 Packard Six?
Posted by HH56 On 2024/7/20 20:07:30
Really hard to try and second guess someone who has done their own mods. I know I am guilty of doing some but do try and leave diagrams for the next person to figure out whatever I have done.
One thing when you are testing switches for working the reverse light is typically in that era the headlights had to be on before the backup lights would get power. That could still be the case so if you had the headlights off the first time maybe try the switches again with headlights on.
The black button sure does look like an aftermarket horn button and if the center of the wheel button didn't work or the horn started to blow at inopportune times that was often a quick cure. You might see if the stock wheel button wire is coming out the center at end of the steering box and is connected to the main loom. That would be the original wire connection to work the horn relay and where it exited the box was often a point of shorting and other troubles as the old rubber insulation dried or got grease soaked and let the wire short.
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