Re: Interior Window Trim Color
Posted by HH56 On 2024/7/20 23:32:05
I can't say for certain exactly how Packard did their woodgrained dashes and window trim but there is a video produced by the people at
GrainIt Technologies on the history of woodgraining. In the video they show examples of procedures used including some showing various pieces being made in an auto factory of that era. I would imagine Packard followed the method where a large prepainted sheet of metal was cut and formed in a stamping press. The DIY repro procedure using the plates and rollers that GrainIt came up with works fairly well after a bit of practice even for non talented people. If you are not interested in the DIY approach there are some who offer their services to refinish pieces using the GrainIt method along with some who do the old school talent needed methods of hand painting and using various things like sponges, rags, and feathers to form the patterns
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