1935 and later accessory part numbers

Posted by BigKev On 2024/10/14 21:00:39
Does anyone have a listing of 1935 thru 1940 accessory part numbers?

There is no section in the 1935-1941 Parts List for accessories and even some items shown in the part plates are not actually listed in the respective part groups.

For example, the actual trunks that go on the trunk rack. All the various parts of the rack are listed, but not the trunks themselves. I think the hinge plate and related parts that swing the trunks off to one side were sold as part of the trunk itself under that accessory part number.

But I can't find any listing for the trunk, or any sub parts.

I need to find that part number so I can have Bruce Blevins attempt to locate the blueprints. My hope is that trunk part number will call out to the different blue prints for the various parts.

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