Re: Points for a 1930 726...
Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2007/11/6 23:27:14
I've seen that adapter kit to convert from NE to modern points advertised in a number of places, though I don't remember just where. Check a recent issue of PAC's Cormorant News Bulletin as I believe I've seen it there. If you don't see it, call Bob Connolle (who also advertised in PAC's CNB and Perhaps the CCCA as well), the guy who remakes the NE ignition coils, and I'm sure he'll know who has the kit. Or if you're at all mechanical you can make the kit yourself -- extremely simple, I have a home-made conversion kit in my spare distributor for my 34. If your interested in how I did it, send me a note with your email and I'll send it to you.
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