Re: Help a new Packard owner

Posted by Ozstatman On 2010/7/15 15:57:25
JW wrote:......Also, there will be an Australian contacting you about your new acquisition. He is a major contributor her, quite knowledgeable, but rather insistent.....
G'day again John H,

While I resemble that remark I think John(JW) overstates my credentials. Major contributor - yes, rather insistent - yes, bur quite knowledgeable - I don't think so. My knowledge is slowly building as my few remaining gray cells slowly accumulate PackardInfo.

Regarding my insistent streak, what John(JW) refers to is my requesting new PackardInfo members to include their Packards in the Owner Registry. John H I had already done with you in this earlier thread and I usually don't follow up those posts except to thank members when their Packard is added to the Registry. But seeing John(JW) has raised it, I now feel bound to request the '37 be included in the Packard Owner's Registry here, together with a pic, any known history and how you acquired it? And if you do decide to drive it home, in some ways probably a good way to get to know your Packard, please let us know how it went. Bound to make a good story which we'd all be interested in hearing.

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