Posted by HH56 On 2010/11/7 15:18:09
The biggest problem with doing anything with a TL car is the bar is designed around a certain weight. There was limited adjustment available to accommodate options or models and that's about it.

Too heavy a body and they are overcome so you do what you can to increase the twist by increasing the front link length. That only goes so far. They found they even had to build a few bars with slightly greater twist to handle fully optioned Caribbeans. If the body is too light, the opposite happens.

Unless the weight is about right, the suspension will either ride at one or the other bump stops instead of in the middle or in trying to adjust, the links can get to such length that full range can't happen.

Believe there was one fellow who was trying to lower the entire car so managed to change front links and also added a spacer under the rear axle for the additional in back.

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