Re: Dyneto Charge Regulator
Posted by Scott726 On 2008/2/8 11:24:22
Owen Dyneto was right!
Well I had my broken cut out/regulator in a local auto electric shop to get updated to solid state. After a month of delays I just took it back and I'm glad I did. My 726 has a cut out that keeps the battery from draining back through the generator when it's not making enough juice AND and a set of points that opens and shuts the generator field line to regulate the voltage. I know Tom posted the business that rebuild the cut out for his car, my question is did they rebuild the regulator too?
I have ordered a later Autolite after market two wire cutout/ regulator as a temporary fix. The gent I ordered the Autolite unit from said there are no solid state replacements/rebuilds for the original Dyneto cut out/charge regulator. Anybody have any ideas what's out there and recommendations for someone to rebuild my original unit (back to stock if necessary)? Also, what's the going rate for a rebuild?
Thanks, Scott
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