My 34 wheels are 6-lug so I used 3 arms, equally spaced every other lug. The unit came with 4 arms so for your 8-lug wheels I'd use 4, again equally spaced every other lug. As you can appreciate, you want to have the pulling forces evenly distributed around the bolt circle.
As to leaving the nut on a few turns, live & learn, I've done this job more than a few times! These drums hadn't been off since I relined the brakes about 40 years ago, yet they came off without any extreme efforts, just a few minutes - it took longer to set up the puller than the actual application of force. No dog bone on this particular puller, I used a 30 inch crescent wrench to tighten the shaft as tight as I could get it, and one modest wrap on the end of the shaft with a fairly heavy hammer. Don't forget to retract the linings a bit.
The reason for removing the drums was primarily to repack the rear wheel bearings, something that's all too often neglected. Also a good time to inspect the linings, lubricate the brake cables and clevis, and check the axle end-play (which did require a small adjustment).
These rears use dual opposed tapered roller bearings on each axle with an inner and outer race; spacers are behind the inner race for end play, which is a most annoying feature. If you get into this, let me know, if the needed adjustment is minor there is an alternative to continuously removing the inner race to add/subtract shims - that gets tiring in a rush.
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