Re: Michael's Starter motor bust and Barries car on the road - - - -

Posted by Michael Evans On 2012/8/6 11:15:20
Barrie that is a Landrover - a British IKON - that will NEVER give you any trouble !

They were exported in thousands to the African Continent so plenty of bits if any break - which I doubt.

Don't know much about 'em - not my cup of tea - only once did I ride in one - they don't have any springs you know ? so every bump is felt you know where ! - - - Best of Luck with her though.

Because the Packard is STILL not finished we had to have a car for this year's shows as we sold the Citroen CX at a Show in York last September (we had high hopes that the Pack would be ready by showtime but were once more let down by the guy doing the work) so we have bought a P6 Rover 3500 V8 Auto - see photo.

Oh yup the other incentive to sell the CX was that we doubled our money in the 4 years of ownership ! That was a first in my dealings with old cars over the last 40 odd years or so.

Keep in touch Michael

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