Re: Henry's 55 Constellation

Posted by Cli55er On 2012/9/11 15:27:17
like i said, i live in a fantasy world were the car hobby is cheap. lol

i realligned my ducks, getting back to the correct steps of the restoration. i was skipping ahead way too far.

the goal has been to get the motor running before salado, so lets proceed and try not to get ahead again.

parts are on their way in from Jason at AER, so i will beable to do the distributer, generator, and starter.

the radiator...i agree...i called another shop for a qoute...same thing and he agreed...its not going to be cheap anywhere i go. i was thinking 250 bucks at the most...not 600, but i'm silly.

so i'm going to move forward with the radiator as i will need that to start the car.

the harmonic balancer is already qouted out to be rebuilt in October for 125 including shipping. so i have time to save for that.

all that will be left then is the wires and plug boots and exhaust and it should start and run. could run without exhuaust but not for long periods.

i believe this to be a good goal, without racking up a bunch of debt. i have to have something to do besides sit and watch TV while my wife studies everynight....i'll just end up a fat slob that way.

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