Re: Henry's 55 Constellation

Posted by HH56 On 2008/8/14 16:44:39
Congratulations on the progress.

On your suspension, could be lots of things but even with cruddy grease, should move. With all weight of body off, going to be a bit hard to remove or disassemble compensator. Suggest reading through the suspension section to get an idea of construction before doing anything.

There is a complete schematic in another thread --just search for torsion level. Suggest getting that. For now, you can bypass all the electronics--just disconnect motor and use a pair of jumper cables. Pos on frame, and touch neg to one terminal to drive one direction, or to other terminal for other direction. The motor will strain in 1 direction since no weight but move OK in other. If motor doesn't work, then if there is enough room to clear car frame, remove motor field coil section and turn armature by hand to move the levers (lot of turns) but whatever you do, don't try to disassemble or loosen anything with tension on it.

BE CAREFUL not to allow a transverse bar or lever to contact the frame anywhere in the center around gearbox or try to go past maximum and revolve to the other side. If neither works this way, then afraid there is gear damage and will have to go to plan 2.

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