Re: 1956 Clipper Hot Rod
Posted by HH56 On 2013/2/3 11:22:29
If no one else steps up, you might give Mike Dulinski a call. If anyone would have some spare Clipper covers he would probably be the best bet.
As to your Windows issues, my sympathies. I don't use Windows any more but lots of reviews echo the same sentiments on W8 changes. IMO, Microsoft appears to have copied too much, too soon in W8 and the learning curve is steep and showing.
For what it's worth, those of us in the Mac fold are not immune either. I recently upgraded from OSX 10.5 to 10.8 and while not the same issues you have or even any major ones, am still finding it a somewhat exasperating experience at times.
Apple's "Think Different" approach is OK -- but I don't necessarily want to as often or as much as they want me to. I expect the Windows camp has similar feelings.
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