Re: 1956 Clipper Hot Rod

Posted by BH On 2013/2/3 12:19:46
Those of you having trouble with the "latest and greatest" technology have my sympathies.

While I hope to never own an Apple product, I'm no fan of Microsoft, either. I'm just stuck with them as there's no other affordable alternative that's as widely supported.

As far as user-friendliness, I think Windows hit its peak with XP. Vista was a complete waste of time and money. Yet, a friend, who only got online a couple of years ago, has had nothing but trouble with Win7 (crashes, hacks, infections) - requiring him to purchase an external HDD for full, frequent backups. Win8 doesn't appeal to me in the least.

However, I'm not sure what I'm gonna do when MS ends support for XP in 2014, and suppliers eventually all follow suit. While so-called "smart phones" may have their place, tablets computers and their touch-screen interfaces just don't seem to cut it. Mebee I'll press my old Tandy 1000X into service and scrounge up enough other old equipment to set up a dial-in BBS.

IMHO, the retail computer industry is rapidly becoming a white elephant - too many solutions for which there are no problems.

Manwhile, I look forward to further installments, here, on Al's progress with his Clipper Hot Rod.

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