Re: 1956 Clipper Hot Rod

Posted by 55PackardGuy On 2013/2/14 0:00:00
Great to see you back in the game with the ClipperRod, AL! Might I suggest that format for your valve cover logo? I also favor including the Packard name, partly because your car is a hybrid of Packard senior and Clipper. You might want to do it subtly, in script, followed by a bolder ClipperRod. My reason for the capital letter on "Rod" is strictly for more easy recognition of the name and pronunciation.

If I ever need to paint raised letters on a valve cover or such, here's my plan. Don't know if it would work, but...

Paint the entire cover in the color you want for the raised letters. Paint it again, the color you want for the rest of the cover. Carefully rub off the second coat of paint with a piece of emery cloth attached to a suitable flat sanding block, revealing the other color underneath. Polish with low grit rubbing compound to get the paint to shine.

Like I say, just a long-shot hypothesis. You'd probably have a few trial-and-error runs to find out how many coats of each paint worked best, and to get the rubbing done right. But it SHOULD give a near-perfect result unless there are a lot of imperfections in the stamping.

Re computers, I'm an Apple Macintosh user, but not a Windows hater, however, the last really reliable, easy-to-use Windows OS interface, for me, was Windows 98! I'm serious! Everything else seems needlessly complicated. They should have stuck with the basic interface and just added features.

I loved the comment about Microsoft "copying things too fast." Things, I take it, like the Mac OS. Apple really should have won that lawsuit against Microsoft many moons ago, for copying their graphical interface with Windows. But, Apple had already copied the idea from Xerox, and so it goes in the corporate world.

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