Re: The Duchess Project: 1940 Super 8 Convertible Sedan

Posted by RogerDetroit On 2013/5/10 9:56:33
Hello Joe:

My 1941 160 Convertible Sedan has the same engine & carb as you have. When I first got my car back together I too was having some carb/fuel supply issues.

When the carb was professionally rebuilt the cleaning solution or ultrasound caused the brass float to be a little porous in a small area. This porosity caused the float to allow a small amount of gas to leak into the float and causing it to sink lower than normal.

Using a hair dryer to heat the float I could see where the leak was and with continued heating I was able to evaporate the gas inside the float. Then, using a soldering iron I "tinned over" the offending area area and re-installed. Has worked fine for the last 10 years.

You might want to run a check of the float while it is out.

Best, --Roger--

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