Re: The Duchess Project: 1940 Super 8 Convertible Sedan

Posted by Joe Santana On 2013/6/20 10:13:04
GENERATOR: Please relax. The Parts Catalog indicates that the correct generator is attached with 5/16" bolts. That tells me the Larger generator is closer to correct, not the smaller, whose ears have holes for 1/2" bolts. If the generator for a 1950 Custom Super 8 is a GGU or GGW, that may be the clue to its origin of the large generator

The holes in the bracket and flange are also for 5/16th in. bolts.

Jim, JW,
I'm taking the larger generator, the one that came out of the car, to Philbin on N. Russell. These were last rebuilt in 1986 by
Willamette Electric Products, but like Merle's Carburetor, they closed up shop years ago.

It might take a week, according to Philbin, but then I'll put the larger generator back in.

Thanks for help.

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