Re: 51Packard's....51 Packard

Posted by Charles On 2013/6/22 9:06:37
55PackardGuy, your theory is sound. I do not believe that it is the sole issue creating the rot, but I have no doubt it was involved in the early stages. We just had a few storms go through last night so this is the perfect time to check for leaks.

On the drivers door, the door panel is off the car. Sure enough, I see a 3/8" wide strip of wetness going from the pivot on the wing window. Goes all the way down to the bottom of the door.

On my car, I also have issues with (I assume) the door seals. I left my replacement floor piece in the car overnight. The front of the piece that goes behind the front fender is shaped like a cup. It was positioned right where the front body mount was. I see that the "cup" is pretty damp with moisture. Also my windlace around the top and side of the door feels damp.

I felt around the windshield and did not feel dampness so I guess it is not coming from there.

On passenger side, entire upper portion of the door panel is damp and rotting away.

Now that I'm moving along with repairs, I should start covering the car with tarps.

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