Re: The Duchess Project: 1940 Super 8 Convertible Sedan

Posted by Jim L. in OR On 2013/7/9 0:45:27

JoeSantana wrote:
Trying to keep a cap on that bald head in hot weather. Yesterday bought a chauffeur's cap and provided transportation around Portland for my first wedding gig. Our accountant's daughter. How do you say No when you could find your business in financial ruin? Lots of fun, especially when the husbands sent their wives with me to the after-party at a nearby bar while they walked there.

The joys of Packarding.

Joe, where did you find the chauffeur's cap? I've been doing a "Driving Miss Daisy" the last few years for my 90 year old neighbor lady. She loves both my Packards and I think she'd get a real kick out of seeing me in a cap like that.

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