Re: Henry's 55 Constellation

Posted by Kevin AZ On 2013/8/26 17:21:37
Per post # 1617 (BigKev)

"Better for it to be driving with some creative license, then rusting away in a field somewhere."

I 100% agree. My 400 is a stone cold driver and I am comfortable taking her out often and most anywhere. I tried to balance originality against, costs, my talents, part availability and the desire to create a vehicle that maintained a connection to the era. She is NOT a factory Packard copy. Further, I've been told privately by people in the more formal clubs that I "should done this or that" and some even expressed slight irritation with me given the changes I made to the car. I just can't figure that emotion out?

Anyway, back to what BigKev wrote. I would add or amend to his sentiment as follows. Better for it to be driving with creative license, then rusting away in a field or dusting away hidden in a garage or trailer somewhere.

I remain thankful for this forum and the continuing pleasure I get when I visit. Hank and Kevin.........I can't wait to see your cars in person.

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