Re: Henry's 55 Constellation

Posted by Cli55er On 2008/9/19 10:38:22
i will keep at it, i am just alittle discouraged i suppose. i will get through it though. i guess everything else on the car was so easy to take apart and now that i am to the part that i don't really know about i am alittle freaked out by it.

i am guessing media blasting would probably cost less than dipping too, 1600 or so just to

i really just don't want to have to do this all over again, i want it done right the first time, i don't want rust popping it's ugly head up a couple of years from now because they didn't blast one area really good. know what i mean....i want this car to be so pristine.....

i have about 600 saved right now to start getting the frame cleaned up.

don't worry i will get back in the ring and fight the good fight....

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