Re: 1956 Packard Patrician Rebuild Project

Posted by Ross On 2013/10/25 10:37:41
Hard to believe? People blow up engines all the time, even to this day.. 80,000 miles in 11 years of running is plenty of time for an engine to be ruined for any number of reasons. "I thought you had put antifreeze in it...." That's why they listed engines in the parts book.

Remember that these cars had all the resale value of used Kleenex for very many years. Its more a wonder that when the original engine went south the whole car was not unceremoneously tossed away.

Jack Vines is right--the difference in performance will be indistinguishable. A 352 with a 3.54 axle will run away from a 374 with a 2.87 in any event, and still be quiet at any normal cruising speed.

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