Re: HA's 52 200 Grey Ghost

Posted by Hans Ahlness On 2014/7/23 22:20:18
I tried to start the engine tonight after I got home from fixing broken airplanes out west all day. I figured maybe I was on a roll as things had gone well all day, obviously I was a genius mechanic and could do no wrong.

Nope. I hooked up a fuel line from a gas can to my fuel pump and that works great, so I did that rebuild correctly anyway. But I couldn't get the engine to catch - it will try very hard to fire but won't catch and run. Seems like I'm getting enough fuel to the carb, so I suspected ignition and went through the points and timing. Second-guessed myself on the distributor and decided that the rotor isn't quite pointing at the #1 tower on the cap, so I spun the distributor 180 degrees, moved all the plug wires to new spots on the cap, and same result. The engine tries but won't quite catch and run.

What simple thing am I missing?

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