Re: Fred's 1956 Clipper

Posted by Trond Skattum On 2008/12/3 13:31:39
Thank you. First have a look at our clubs website 8 Amcars Club established
then click on the flag for english and crank up the volume. We are a bunch of say well established guys in Norway that collect Packards, DeSotos,Studebakers, Kaisers, Willys, Hudsons etc, those makes that are gone.
We have nearly 300 cars from bush wrecks to mints.
I have been through reastoration in earlier years from Olds 57, Studebaker 51 and found a 58 Packard 2D HT 20 years ago that I brough home from US.
My CLipper just arrived from Florida. Wanted an easey project this time, that it is. The car is a US National First Prize winner and was restored in the early 90's. Lets say I found the car just in time before major rework is necessary.THis car got 2400 miles since 1994, runs great, is like neww, just need a little tender care, greasing and oiling, a new exhaust manifold that the shipper in US managed to knock off when loading on to container, a Torsion motor fix and heat blower oiling(stuck) after years in "peace".
Can send you more photos if you like. My email is:
corrected email adress:

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