Re: KPack's 1954 Panama

Posted by d c On 2020/12/9 19:26:39
In addition to all the great info mentioned, check and repair all vacuum leaks for hesitation . Check vac advance with a vacuum pump. Accl pump check ball seat must be clean/unpitted. Some may tap the ball gently on the seat during rebuild. There is a sensitive relationship between the depth of the plunger, the volume and size of the nozzle/nozzles, the cam stroke and even the float level. If the plunger is too high in the bore there will be a delay in spray causing dead spot. Recommend to check all this on the bench. If not removing all plugs and cleaning all passages at least remove jets and clean ,send wire through and spray through all with carb clean and tiny tube on spray can nozzle. Acc pump spray should come on right away. I used to adj cam and nozzle size till I saw black smoke out tailpipe on load with quick throttle movement then adj down from there. There is more but since carb is on and she runs it is all moot.

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