Re: Robert

Posted by Robert On 2022/3/17 9:53:39

HH56 wrote:
I need to relearn inserting images mid-post. I intend to post photos of the overall process, and step-by-step notes for specific processes in case they're of use for others down the road.

As far as I know, just like the old forum software, this new forum only allows photos at the end of typed commentary and does not directly have the ability to accept photos posted inline so the typed commentary continues on after the photo.

I believe the PAC forum will allow inline photos but on this forum I think the old procedure was to type your post in something like Office or Word that will allow inline photos and then when the item was finished and saved, copy and paste that entire response in the forum reply box. That procedure with or without photos was also the go to for a lengthy post or response where there was a chance the forum would time out before something was finished.

Not sure if that process still works with the new software but maybe BigKev could respond if correct or if there is another way.

Thanks Howard, I can work with that. I was very active on an Impala forum ~10 years ago and I thought it had an easy way to insert photos as you went, but maybe not. Regardless, the tools are here to get my rambling points across.

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