Re: 1938 Super 8 1605 - adventures with a newbie

Posted by Tim Cole On 2022/12/21 9:16:43
Reportedly the best bait is peanut butter, and I have been told that mothballs are an effective repellent.

We had a mouse living in the stove in college and I made up a box trap the engineers said wouldn't work and caught the bugger.

Those things are observant, however. If they see one dead in a trap, they can learn to avoid it, so my traps are for data collection. If I find one in a trap I will put out poison.

If they were littering in the car, you must have a large population problem. I had a chipmunk burrowing near my garage and tried the usual methods that didn't work, but a strategically placed rat trap did. I also had squirrels thinking my pulling weeds was hiding something and they were digging up my yard. I hung the corpse from a tree branch Frankenstein style, and it was hilarious watching the reaction. What finally scared them off was putting a plastic tarpaulin over a mulch pile. I'd shoot them but I don't own any guns.

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