Re: Stewart's 1955 Packard 400

Posted by Stewart Ballard On 2023/8/16 20:48:42
Do you want to hear a funny story?
Remember those power seat motors that I had tested and that they said were “toast”?
The same day they gave me the diagnosis and I posted about it here, I also email Gerry and bought a second set of motors.
Last Friday, the tech guy called me again to remind me that the motors were still there. Here is how that conversation went with “Doyle”

Me - “I’ll pick them up in a couple of days (they are 40 minutes away) also you probably already know this but those two wires on those motors are not positive and negative”.
Doyle - Their not . . . what are they?
Me - (in my head) CRAP, Howard was right.
Me - (out load) They are clockwise and counterclockwise. The case is grounded to the car door.
Doyle - (silence)
Me-They move the power seats. The seats move forward and backward.
Doyle - Can call you back in a little bit.
Me- Sure.

3 minutes later.

Doyle - I hooked up the one motor and it works great, that thing has all kinds of torque. I’ll have to put the other one back together and test it. I am sorry about that Stewart, I should have caught that myself. You should be able to pick them up in a few days.

There was no charge today when I picked them up.
My first problem was that I took them to a shop in an industrial park that works primarily on 3 phase motors for the factories.

Now I have 2 sets of power seat motors.

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