Re: 1937 120 Conv. Sedan - Blanche

Posted by TxGoat On 2024/5/6 13:58:42
Your pump can leak at the shaft seal, at several of the bolt holes, or if the steel plate on the back of the pump itself is rusted or cavitated, or at either of the two gaskets, one between the pump cover and the pump body, and one between the pump assembly and the engine block. I believe that 4 of the water pump to block bolts require copper washers. To get some of these bolts out, you may need to remove or loosen the fan and pulley. If your pump was in good condition when installed a year ago, my guess is you have a leak at the shaft seal OR at one or more of the bolt heads. Your gaskets could also leak, but that's not likely if care was taken when the pump was installed. If copper washers are not present, that's a very likely source of a slow leak, especially if lockwashers are present under the bolt heads. Of course, hose connections can leak and often do. I've found that old style clamped hose connections often need re-tightened a few days after they are first installed.

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