Re: 56 Caribbean Convertible Rejuvenation

Posted by CarFreak On 2024/5/22 9:03:01

Owen_Dyneto wrote:
Just ground the Field terminal of the regulator and rev the engine modestly while watching the ammeter. If it shows a charge, the problem is the regulator. If it doesn't, the problem is the generator.

thank you for this tip. I tried it and verified the generator is not working. Maybe it was a connection issue. So I removed it and I will disassemble it and clean all connections and see if I can get it to charge again.

While waiting for the rain to past this weekend I looked into the top issue again. The power top motor had red fluid in it so I am going to assume that it was changed over to trans fluid. it was a little low so I added more into it. I didnt see any leaks when I inspected the hoses or the rods so I am going to assume that over time when the top was operated the air was bled out and never refilled by my dad because I do not remember him ever adding more fluid or talking about doing so. The rods were shinny and didnt feel sticky, but I wiped them down with brake cleaner and applied a fresh coat of trans oil. I did use WD40 at the pivot points on the top. Given the issue I was having with the car not charging I wasnt going to push my luck with the electrical system so testing the top out will have to wait for the next time I am home with good weather.

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