Re: Randy Berger's 1956 Caribbean

Posted by Randy Berger On 2007/12/9 11:46:24
Bernardi, the stock pump worked ok for the first 60 - 75K miles and then it wore the casting because of a bad design. The repair to that pump consists of putting a bushing at the top of the pump. The full-flow filter as Craig designed it is not something that all shops, if any, are familiar with. They would have to study his design and figure out how to machine it. I don't know that they would be willing to do that.
Secondly, I rebuilt my 400 engine and have driven it several thousand miles since the 1999 rebuild with no oiling problems at all. That oil pump is the last design and Terrill machine in Texas rebuilt it. The oil pump I am going to install is the last design and Bob Aller rebuilt it. I have complete confidence in either rebuilt pump. I also have the Melling pump and conversion as an alternative to either one should I need it.
As far as Keith being afraid to ask, I think that remark was made tongue in cheek. Keith has never been shy in voicing his opinions. I certainly wouldn't expect him to stop now.

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