Re: 1956 Clipper Hot Rod

Posted by PackardV8 On 2009/8/23 20:54:28
Al. just make sure former employer follows proper procedure so that u can apply for UnEmployment benefits. LEARN the rules of UE. Very important that u APPLY for UE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!! Probably a one week waiting period but check immediately on the process for your state.

On UE u stand a much better chance of gaining new employmnet than if not on UE.

Follow UE rules for UE but drag your feet on accepting a new position until u get the $$$$ rite. The problem is that for every American there are 10 3rd world people that are very well educated and proficient and can live in their country like kings on $10/day and a bag of rice.

Be careful that your former employer may try to call u back to work at a LOWER wage and LESS hours ergo no benefits and THUS terming the UE. THis is happening a lot here in Tn with their backwoods chicken shit Right to Work Law.

The UE laws are changing fast and i can't keep up with them. But u will need to keep up EVEN if u get a new job real soon or get called back.

Also, if u have any securities in a 401K or other plan thru your employer BE SURE TO GET THOSE IN YOUR NAME ASAP!!!! The employer will drag his feet notifying the Securities Agent about your departure. The Securities agent will drag his feet and it becomes finger pointing between company and agent. Figure at least 4 months to maybe 1 year to get that sterightened out. This is because the secutiries are NOT held in YOUR name and once trasfered to u might very well have a restriction printed on the back of certificates as "FBO". BE SURE the FBO is removed!!!!
Otherwise u can not negotiate the certs.

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